Wednesday 15 January 2014

Lesson One / Two - Everything Is A Remix.

Underlined questions are still to be answered.
1.What is a remix?
To combine / edit to create something new.
2.What style of music was it most commonly associated with?
3.Who and what did the Sugar Hill gang sample?
4.Which two other artists have used the same sample?
Father MC / Will Smith / Daft Punk
5.Which band formed in 1968?
Led Zepplin
6.What term is coined in Paris in 1961?
Heavy Metal
7.What novel did it come from and who wrote it?
William Burrows
8.What were the band formed in 1968 labeled as?
Rip Offs
9.“Stairway to Heaven” was based on which existing song?
Spirits ‘Taurus’
10.What’s the ‘problem’ with what Led Zeppelin did?
No fundamental changes
11.What’s the difference between a cover and a knock-off?
Credited / Uncredited changes
12.What do most box office hits rely on?
Existing material
13.How many films out of 100 are sequels/remakes/or adaptations?
14.What is a ‘genre movie’?
A movie of a popular genre – Sci-Fi etc.
15.List 4 sub genres of Horror
Slasher, Zombie, Creature Feature and Torture.
16.What happens to their standard elements?
17.List the elements of Star Wars.
18.Which TWO genres were huge sources for Star Wars?
War films / Westerns
19.What does creation require?
20.Who is now the most movie saturated director?
Quentin Tarantino
21.What are they myths of creativity?
Inspiration and Thought
22.Why do we need copying?
We can’t do anything without it
23.When was Guttenberg’s printing press invented?
24.What elements were combined to create the model T in 1908?
25.What are the basic elements of creativity?
Copy, Transform and Combine
26.Who invented the PC?
27.What is multiple discovery?
The same innovation and merging at different places
28. What is evolution?
Copy, Transform and Combine.
29. What is the term for this in culture?
Social Evolution
30. What is this called?
31. What doesn’t law acknowledge?
32. What was the side effect of a market economy?
33. What was the point of the copyright and patent act?
To protect inventors
34. What term was created to protect ideas?
35. What is loss aversion?
“We hate losing what we’ve got”
36. How did Disney use the public domain?
Snow White etc, and then copyrighting Mickey Mouse
37. “We have no problem with copying as long as...”
We’re the ones doing it
38. Which song did George Harrison subconsciously copy?
Do Op “He’s so fine”
39. What connects Kanye West to “It Must Be Jesus”?
R. Charles, R. Richard
40. What is a patent?
A blue print on how to make an invention
41. What is a software patent?
42. What % of patent lawsuits are over software?
43. How much wealth is estimated to have been lost?
Half a trillion dollars
44. What are sample trolls and patent trolls?
Corporations which don’t produce anything
45. Who is the most famous sample troll and why?
Bridgeport Music
46. How long was the sample from 2005 and where was it from and where was it used?
Two seconds, 100 miles and running
47. Why has this been bad for hip hop?
Because they can’t sample music
48. Why are patent laws bad for postmodernism?
Because PoMo isn’t possible without copying

Side Notes
·         Paul Allen ‘Idea Man’
·         Not Pomo – Hiding, Not owning up to copying, not attributing the other artists
·         Hip-Hop IS PoMo – Samples which don’t fit together, supposed to notice the copying as they want people to see it, it’s always different.

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